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The Boston Marathon

April 19, 2010

Today I experienced my first Boston Marathon.  Mom and I were up and out early, ready to enjoy the day.

It was a brisk spring day in Boston – perfect for running a marathon!  We met Melissa and Jared at their apartment and then walked to the finish line.  It was amazing to cheer on the elite runners as they blazed past us on Boylston Street.  I was so excited to see Ryan Hall – the 4th place finisher!

Go Ryan! After the initial wave crossed the finish, we made our way to Comm. Ave. to experience the race from a different angle.

It was fascinating to watch each and every runner.  Everyone has their own form and approach to the race.  The hum of the crowd’s cheers rippled through the city as each marathoner ran past.  We continued to walking, watching, and cheering until lunch time.

Jared led us to UBURGER where we enjoyed a quick and tasty meal.  I ordered the chicken sandwich topped with grilled onions, grilled peppers, and salsa.

The salsa made the bun a little soggy, but the taste was all good!  I also shared some fries with my mom.

After warming up and filling up, we headed back out into the streets for more cheering and excitement.  This was actually the best part of the day.  I felt so inspired by every runner that crossed the finish line because I could identify with their hard work.  Everyone cheered loudly!  I was utterly impressed by the runner’s because most of them still seemed so strong in that final mile.

As the race came to an end, we all walked away with similar sentiments.  It was truly inspiring and empowering.  We made our way to Red Mango to reflect with some fro-yo.

This was an extremely powerful day for me.  It marked a turning point.  It made me feel ready to take on a challenge I never thought possible.

It’s Official!

I am registered to run in the Amica Marathon!  I have alluded to my marathon aspirations a number of times.  I feel mentally and physically prepared to take this giant leap.  After a weekend of lengthy discussions and soul-searching, Melissa and I decided to tackle this endeavor together.

26.2 or bust!

Training will begin in June and I have already enlisted the support of my family and friends.  I know I will need everyone behind me as I dedicate myself to this goal.

Lucy promised to take long walks with me on cross-training days…thanks, girl!  I knew I could count on you!

Seriously, though, this is major!  I know it is.  It may seem like the marathon hype got to me this weekend and I registered on a whim, but this is actually something I have considered for some time.  I feel like distance running is my niche and I need to push myself through this challenge at least once.  I have the time and energy to put into such a time-consuming training regimen and I am excited to begin!

Happy Marathon Monday!

7 Comments leave one →
  1. April 20, 2010 12:19 am

    Congrats on the big decision!!! wow!

  2. Betsy permalink
    April 20, 2010 12:30 am

    Oh! That is great Becky! So happy you have committed to run a full Marathon. You will learn a lot about yourself and you won’t believe the feeling you have when you have DONE it. It is so empowering and rewarding. Good for you!!
    Glad you had fun in Boston. Looked like fun!

  3. April 20, 2010 12:51 am

    Sooo excited…and ready for the hard work that’s ahead of us. I’m just going to take it 1 training run at a time. Besides, things don’t get really serious until the 18 week mark in June! 🙂

  4. Patty permalink
    April 20, 2010 12:52 am

    Congrats! I know that you will enjoy this journey every step of the way! It is your goal, your life, and your time! Take advantage of it….I am so glad that you had this great experience to help nudge you to take the next step of your journey. Go get ’em Beck!! 🙂

  5. April 20, 2010 5:08 pm

    Congrats! You can do it girl! I want to go cheer you guys on. Newport is lovely in the fall so I think I can talk the boyfriend into going for the day.

    Good luck!

  6. April 20, 2010 10:33 pm

    Congrats – that is so exciting! I have actually looked into that marathon. By June, I will finally have time to dedicate to training (as long as my knee gets better…). Also, it is a few months after our wedding and the course goes right past where our reception will be! How fun. I’m so happy for you!

  7. April 29, 2010 12:32 pm

    Yea! Woooo I’m excited to hear about your training sessions and ventually your marathon! Good luck miss and congrats for taking on the journey

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